Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Love this it's a Joan Elliot chart,the fabric is from Sew-It-All I cant remember the name but it looks like cloudy blue sky, really enjoyed stitching this piece except for all the backstitch!!!
My current piece something different for me......called Lunar Harvest by Danelle Marie Classics it's on 14 ct hand dyed Aida I've forgotten where I got it from but so far it's looking.......I made quite a few Christmas Cards and silly me forgot to take pics of them.
I'M BACK !!!
Oh dear I didn't realize I've been neglecting my blog,I have to go and help clean a friends unit,should be finished by lunch-time come home have something to eat,then I have to visit a sick friend,hopefully when I do eventually get home I can find some pics and start updating this blog.....ok go to go back later today.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
I was doing this as a card but I feel it's too big so I'm going to do the others on 18ct aida white opalescent just waiting for the order to come!!!!.There's quite a few different charts for Christmas Cards, I'll do this one again on the smaller fabric as well,will make this into an ornament.
Well it's the end of a busy week for me,I'm just home from spending the morning helping out at the Wedding Expo in Newcastle with The Westpac Rescue Support Group.Tomorrow back at Vinnies, I just checked out my facebook and surprise there's a pic of my youngest son,now Dean always shies away from the camera so good on my daughter-in-law for getting the snap.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
The last few days had been so cold, I'm going out for lunch today with a friend, we meet once a month for lunch and a catch up, we are both volunteers for the same charity but it's nice to meet up and just chat about everyday life. I've put my Vision of Hope away for the moment as I want to make Christmas cards for friends. When I've finished this first one I'll post a pic.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
This week-end we replaced our aging loo with a new one, now men don't have a problem when needing to go,they just hide behind a tree,but me, now that could have been one except I'm very lucky to be living quite close to a shopping mall that has a toilet,the boys Bryan (hubby) and a friend John thought they would make a temporary one for me in the garden shed!!!! A bucket with a toilet seat sitting on the top.....Thanks boys.
Here's some of my finished pieces,as you can see I love birds,the first is a Kookaburra next Rainbow Lorikeet then a Crimson Rosellafollowed by a Gang Gang Cockatoo and last a Palm Cockatoo all done on 14ct Aida these are some of my first pieces.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
This is the start of a new blog for me,I'll be posting pics of my stitching and of course my family.
My latest project, I'm doing this one for myself as I love dream catchers and Native American ones,This is a Joan Elliot chart " Vision of Hope".....Stitching it on 14ct Aida fabric it's blue with what looks like paler blue clouds...Time to put some country music on and do some more stitching,Sparkie is on my shoulder lets see how long he will sit there before he tries to help!!!! That's when he goes back in his cage...
Sunday, August 11, 2013
What a beautiful morning I feel that Spring is not too far away,it's quite cool but the sky is blue and the sun is shining what more could you ask for. Did all my housework and washing and ironing plus washed my car yesterday so it's a free day for me. Getting a visit from my step-daughter this morning I wonder how that will go, she hasn't been here in such a long time. My daughter-in-law phoned yesterday for a chat, all is good with the family, I must go up there for a visit soon see my g/daughters and my darling great g/daughter. well of to do the breakfast dishes then I might just sit in here and work on my cross-stitch.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
What a cold and wet day it is,just got home from work I volunteer 2 days a week at Vinnies (St.Vincent De Paul) in Maitland serving in the shop I love it there but it's always good to get home. I'm going to settle down and do some cross-stitching tonight.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Besides The Boys we also have 2 Cockatoos called Sally and Louie they both talk and love my hubby (Bryan)...Last week I picked up a handraised Cockatiel a cute little one named him Sparkie and he likes chewing on my silver necklace.
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Sparkie |
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Sparkie |
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This is Louie. |
This has nothing to do with cross-stitch or any sort of craft.I love animals especially dogs I have 2 Tazzie the old one he's about 12-13 years old we've had him since he was 5 weeks old he's a Shepherd/Rottie, he's a beautiful boy and I love him to bits.Where-ever I am he's not too far away.Our other boy is Lobo a full bred Australian Kelpie,now Lobo is a rescued dog when we saved him he was very skinny and very scared,the farmer who owned him was going to shoot him as he wasn't working out as a working dog,so some-one rescued him and we heard about this poor boy and went to see him,my heart went out to him I asked him if he wanted to come home with me he dropped his head looked so sad and so I put the leash on him and we took him home.That was only a couple years ago,Lobo is going ok it's taken a while to really gain his trust,he still has that scared look in his eyes at times,we never raise our voice or hands at him,we just give him a lot of love and respect,at nights he goes to be with hubby and I wake in the morning and he's with me,I don't understand how any-one can be cruel to any animal.
Lobo almost smiling. |
The Boys |
Aren't they beautiful. |
my lovely boy Tazzie |
This is Lobo |
A new start,I love dream catchers this is one of many, the fabric is aida14ct blue with lighter blotches of blue the camera doesn't pick up how nice it is though.I'm doing this one for me!!
This one was a difficult one to finish as I was making it for a girlfriend we were as close as any-one 2 people could
be but something happened and the friendship ended,I persevered with it as the fabric was a hand dyed one and I really did like it,again I changed the words from DMC to a metallic thread,I framed it myself I'm so pleased with it and rather proud of how it looked once it was framed.
be but something happened and the friendship ended,I persevered with it as the fabric was a hand dyed one and I really did like it,again I changed the words from DMC to a metallic thread,I framed it myself I'm so pleased with it and rather proud of how it looked once it was framed.
This is one I made for a friends 50th birthday I have quite a few Dolly Mamas I really love them.I changed the thread in the words from normal DMC to a Metallic thread just to add a bit of sparkle.
I'm starting a new blog and hopefully I can keep it going,I'll post pics of my stitching work and of course my family and other stuff.
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